Ward profiles 2024

Ward profiles 2024

There are 30 wards in Bradford District. The results of the 2021 census found that there were 546,400 people living in the District. This total has now been updated by the mid-2022 population estimate (as at 30 June 2022) which shows a total population of 552,600.

A summary of information about the population at ward level from the 2021 census is available here

City ward has the highest population (23,640 people) and Wharfedale ward has the lowest population (12,170 people).

Little Horton ward has the highest percentage of children and young people under the age of 16 (30.3%).

Craven ward has the lowest percentage of children and young people (15.7%).

City ward has the highest percentage of the working age population (71.5%) - possibly due to the high numbers of young people who attend Bradford College and University and the lowest percentages of older people aged 65-84 (5.4%). Little Horton has the lowest percentage of very old people aged 85+ (0.4%). 

Ilkley ward has the lowest percentage of the working age population (53.2%) and the highest percentage of old people aged 64-84 (23.8%) and very old people (6.9%).

Bradford has 14 wards which are within the 10% most deprived wards in England (IMD 2019): Bowling & Barkerend, Bradford Moor, City, Clayton & Fairweather Green, Eccleshill, Great Horton, Keighley Central, Keighley West, Little Horton, Manningham, Royds, Tong and Wibsey.

Wharfedale ward is within the 10% least deprived wards in England.