Adult Social Care

The quality of care and support

The social care related quality of life indicator provides an overall view of the quality of life the users of their care and support services experience. In 2014/15 the overall score for users of social care was 19.4 (out of a maximum possible score of 24). This increased to 19.5 in 2015/16 (England average 19.1).

After an increase, from 61.9% in 2013/14 to 62.5% in 2014/15, in the proportion of users who were extremely or very satisfied with the care or support services they received, there has been a further increase to 63.1% in 2015/16 (England average 64.4%).

While it is encouraging that around two thirds of users are extremely or very satisfied with the care and support services they receive, there is room for improvement to ensure that everyone has the best possible experience.

Key messages

  • Small increases in both social care related quality of life, and satisfaction of people who use services with the quality of care and support.
  • The overall proportion of people receiving personal budgets continues to rise, and Bradford provided personal budgets to 86.8% (England average 86.9%) of people who use care and support services.
  • The proportion of people who use adult social care services who say those services have made them feel safe and secure increased further.
  • The proportion of people who are in receipt of local authority funded care who say they have as much social contact as they would like continues to be high.
  • The proportion of people who use services who say they have control over their daily life has also continued to increase.


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