Heritage and Culture

Bradford District has a strong cultural asset base, characterised by a high number of heritage buildings giving the district its unique feel.

Participation in culture is lower than the regional or national average.

Bradford's visitor attractions are well liked and are ranked by visitors as being some of the best in the region.

The number of children at age 5 achieving an expected level of expressive arts and design is lower than the regional and national average. Opportunities for higher education learning in creative arts courses are limited in Bradford.

A high proportion of new businesses are tourism related, but the majority are food services: pubs, restaurants and takeaways. There has been a growth in the number of self-catering units since 2015.

The total value of tourism to the Bradford economy was £680 million in 2017, up by 4% in comparison to 2016

Contact details

Will Ridley-Ellis
3rd Floor
Margaret McMillan Tower

Email : will.ridley-ellis@bradford.gov.uk

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